
An introduction

My hope for this blog is that it will provide encouragement and refreshment to many of my fellow travellers on life’s journey! Most of my musings are the result of first hand life experiences. I can’t remember who said it, but I am inclined to agree: “Experience is a hard teacher because the test comes first and the lesson comes later.”

Oh that we could learn the deep lessons of life; the deep truths of God’s word and His unyielding love through tender and easy times. If you are like me, although you have had tender and joyous times, most of the things you have learned that are deeply engraved in your heart come from the bitter trials or the intense periods of questioning where God seems to be silent on a certain matter.

Something that I have learned, that I have to remind myself of in those times is this: God may speak quietly but He is never silent! All creations speaks of the qualites inherent in our Sovereign God, from His love, as tender as a newborn lamb, and just as a tenacious as a mother lion protecting its’ cubs! It speaks of His wonderful sense of humor, as whimsical as the weedy Sea Dragon and as spontaneous as the puppy who chases it’s tail. And, of His faithfulness, as constant as the sunrise every morning, as relentless as the driving Springtime rain.

My friend, He may be quiet in the storms and struggles of your life right now, but He is not silent. He speaks of Himself not only in His Word, but in all of His creation, including you and me!

So, come here and sit a while. Share with me your questions, lessons and your own musings! I hope you will find a fellow journeyman who is learning to match the cadence of her steps to the rythym of His grace in the quiet times, in the joyful celebrations and in the midst of the storm! We can travel this road together.